
Discovering the Meaning of Flowers

Monday 6th March, 2017

For centuries, people the world over have attached symbolism to plants. In the UK, poppies are associated with remembrance, red roses with love and daisies with innocence, and these connections have been celebrated throughout the ages: from the giving of real or paper plants, to the use of illustrated motifs on cards and works of art.
The first known dictionary of flower meanings, Le Langage des Fleurs by Charlotte de La Tour, dates back to 1819,
and floral symbolism was commonly used to convey meaning for almost a century. However, since the First
World War an increasing disconnection from rural traditions has meant that the language of flowers has gradually become lost.
An informative and thought-provoking read for florists and plant lovers alike, packed with historical references and botanical facts.
Discovering the Meaning of Flowers Discovering the Meaning of Flowers